Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Innocence of Childhood

Here's a new one:
I've had a cold for over a week now and am actually beginning to think that it's a sinus infection, but anyhoo... My voice has been scratchy and you know, "coldish" sounding, and my students have been asking, "Are you sick?" Ya, I'm feeling the love.
But yesterday, one of my fourth grade students, a girl, says, "Are you going through puberty?" I think they were all on the edge of their seats waiting for the answer to that one, as puberty is within arms' reach, and wouldn't it be exciting if their very own teacher were going through it!?

To which I respond, "No, I am not going through puberty."

To which she responds, "Oh, because sometimes, when you go through puberty, some people's voices get lower, ya know."

Thursday, January 29, 2009

100 rANdOm tHinGs AboUT Me...

So I did a list on Facebook that was "25 Random Things about Me" and it was kind of fun, so I decided to take it a step further and try and come up with 100 things that are random about me. I'm sure I can do it!

So here we go...

1. I love being a mom.
2. I wouldn't mind having another one. (Gasp...did I just say that?)
3. Sometimes I want my children to go away.
4. I'm getting ready to color my hair.
5. I love to scrapbook.
6. I stay fairly caught up on my scrapbooks and it disgusts my friends.
7. I went to an alternative school in the 4th and 5th grades.
8. I would love to start a school similar to it today.
9. I wanted to be an archeologist when I was in elementary school. I used to sit in the gravel
parking lot and look for fossils. I had a shoe box full.
10. In the 3rd grade, I decided I wanted to be a teacher.
11. Then I decided I wanted to be a reading teacher.
12. My favorite grade to teach is 3rd grade.
13. I have trouble sitting through movies. I get bored.
14. My friends call me a "shoe whore."
15. I should pray more than I do.
16. I hate cleaning my house.
17. About the only thing I'm good at in the clean house department is vacuuming.
18. I would love to go on What Not to Wear. Although I don't think I look quite as bad as some
of those people.
19. I would dress badly if someone would nominate me.
20. I wrote a couple of children's stories in college. I still have them. Sometimes I wonder if I
should try and have them published.
21. I love to plan parties. Children's are my favorite. Give me a theme and I can run with it.
22. I've done some great parties for my kids. Sometimes I wonder if I should try party planning.
23. I handmade the invitations for many parties. Not just birthdays, but baby showers,
Halloween parties, and more. I love doing that.
24. I wish someone would clean my house before I entertain. That's the only part I don't like.
25. I like to try new things with my hair.
26. The first broken bone I ever had was when Bitty bee was two months old - my foot.
27. I love to read.
28. One of my favorite authors is Jodi Picoult. I have read all of her books to date.
29. I also like Jefferson Bass 'Body Farm' books.
30. Other than that, I mostly read chick-lit.
31. Oh, and People magazine. Love my People magazine.
32. I have two dogs. Love them....but they really get on my nerves.
33. I would not repeat high school for anything.
34. Not sure I would repeat college either. Except I did meet hubby there.
35. I love pizza.
36. My new favorite pizza place is this hole-in-the-wall called NYC Pizza. I've never actually
had their pizza, but they make these fabulous garlic knots. Evil good.
37. I have very fond memories of watching 'Little House on the Prairie' and "Dukes of Hazzard'.
38. I also love the 'Anne of Green Gables' series. My hubby got me the whole series for
39. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
40. I also love Halloween and Thanksgiving.
41. I take back #2.
42. I like to give gifts. Supposedly it's my "love language."
43. I love chilren's books. I have an extensive collection...over 1,000. Most are in boxes.
44. I'm afraid of getting old. And of dying.
45. I love Dr. Pepper. I drink it several times a day. I could probably lose a few pounds if I
46. I love dark chocolate, but really don't care for milk chocolate.
47. My grandma turns 100 next week!
48. I don't like cold weather. At all. I would be happy with only Spring, Summer, and Fall.
49. I make friends pretty easily.
50. I'm very good at telling whether people are sincere or not within a short time of meeting
them. If they're not, I tend to stay away.
51. Although I would love to have the money to dress fabulous every single day, I am not into
appearances and what others think of me.
52. My favorite football team is the Kansas City Chiefs. Nowadays though, I couldn't tell you
any of the players on the team. I miss the old team.
53. I have wonderful memories of vacations with my family. I can still sit down and look at
"slide shows" of our trips and laugh about certain specific events.
54. I miss my family.
55. I wish I could take my own children on trips as much as I traveled as a child.
56. The states I have visited (or lived in) are: Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, Nebraska,
Missouri, Florida, North Dakota, Virginia, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Colorado. I've
driven through others, but I don't think that counts.
57. I was baptized and married in the same church, by the same minister.
58. I have been Presbyterian my whole life.
59. I love to be outdoors. But not when it's cold.
60. Did I really say I'd do 100 Random things?
61. I still take back #2.
62. I wish my sister would get married. But mostly I just want her to be happy.
63. I like to hang out with my friends.
64. I like to laugh. A lot.
65. I took my stuffed bear to college.
66. I didn't get a car until my third year in college.
67. I suck at volleyball.
68. Oh, I forgot, I broke my finger once. Two broken bones.
69. I once had two newts. Their names were Isaac and Newton.
70. I also had a parakeet, hamster, gerbil, and fish. Those were just my own personal pets, not
counting all the family pets.
71. I have a special place in my heart for my students who need just a little more.
72. I wish I was scrapping today.
73. I tried to put a purple stripe in my hair, but my hair is so dark it didn't show up. I'm really
bummed about it.
74. My school secretary and I raced down the hall on scooters yesterday after school. It was a
blast. One of the 1st Grade teachers joined us. Secretary won on stomach. I won on butt.
Other teachers looked at us like we were off our rockers. They don't know how to have fun.
75. I'm a little sore today.
76. I used to only want boys for children, but now that I have only girls, I wouldn't have it any
other way.
77. God has shown himself in my life in many subtle ways.
78. I am easily amused.
79. I get excited about nap time.
80. I fall asleep on car trips. It's been said that I snore.
81. I used to hate being the shortest.
82. I don't mind it so much anymore, except that petite pants are still too long for me.
83. I'm thankful for many many things in my life.
84. I can sing just about all Dora songs.
85. I start listening to Christmas music in mid-November.
86. I'm sad when Christmas is over.
87. My 4-year-old makes me laugh everyday. The things that kid says.
88. I'm pretty creative.
89. I wish my house was one-story. I'm horrible about cleaning the upstairs. Thank goodness
it's just the kids' rooms that are up there.
90. I'm really glad I have just 10 more things to tell you.
91. I don't know how I'm going to pay for three weddings.
92. My 4-year-old is already planning her wedding. I'm making the cake.
93. I went over my text limit on my phone by 500 messages. I think I need to get unlimited
94. My dogs eat crayons like they're dog food. Drives me absolutely batty when they do that!
95. Someday my house will be really really quiet and I'm not sure how I'll feel about that.
96. I want my children to make their own choices in life. I'm not a helicopter parent.
97. I feel like my last few items should be WOW!
98. My favorite color is pink.
99. I need to not stress about toys all over the floor because someday there won't be any there.
100. My life is pretty good and I can't complain.

So there they are...100 random things about me. It's taken me a couple of days to do this. Mostly because I don't have huge chunks of time to sit here and do it. It was kind of fun and it made me think of some things that I don't think of very often, if at all.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This is my motto....for now.

In this life, I'm a woman. In my NEXT life I'd like to come back as a bear. When you're a bear, you get to hibernate. You do nothing but sleep for six months. I could deal with THAT!!

Before you hibernate, you're supposed to eat yourself stupid. I could deal with that too. When you're a girl bear, you birth your kids (who are the size of walnuts) while you're sleeping and wake to partially grown, cute, cuddly cubs. I could definitely deal with that!

If you're a mama bear, everyone knows you mean business. You swat anyone who bothers your cubs. If your cubs get out of line, you swat them too. I could deal with that.

If you're a bear, your mate EXPECTS you to wake up growling. He EXPECTS that you will have hairy legs and excess body fat.

YUP....gonna be a bear!!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I Know Why Some Mothers Eat Their Young!

A house full of girls....what a loud, cacophonous joy. Did I spell that right?

Who knew that a 7 1/2 year old and a 4 1/2 year old could bicker so much? I certainly don't remember fighting with my sister at that age! Of course we never fought, mind you. I have to remind myself that it is normal for siblings to bicker and I don't have to solve their problems. So usually I just send them upstairs, and they go on their merry ways and end up playing school or something else happily for an hour. But why does it take me getting close to strangling them to get to that point? Because they are sisters I guess. I can only hope that they will have as good as a relationship as they get older as my sister and I do.

Then there's the baby. What a joy that child is! Just goes about life doing her own thing and only gets mad when, yep, you guessed it, one of her sisters gets in her personal space. Maybe it's because she's our third, maybe it's just her personality, but bitty bee is so easy to enjoy. She's easy to know what she wants. Speaking of reading, the child LOVES books. She can sit and read for hours. By herself, with doesn't matter. Just give her a pile of books.

So, there are animals out in the world who eat their young, and I'm sorry to admit, some moments I understand that, and wish we weren't so evolved. But then, the rest of the moments happen. And life is good.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My Try at This

I love my friends' blogs. They are so creatively laid out, and full of day to day stories of their lives. I love to read them. So here's my go at it. Maybe it will get me off of Facebook some! :)

First and foremost on my mind at this moment is my eight and a half-year-old Great Dane. He's getting up there as it goes in big dog years. He's been sick to his stomach lately, and it just makes me wonder how much longer he'll be with us. Buddy is a BC dog (Before Children). The sweetest dog...a big lummox really. He is terrified of adults and loves children. We have kept a couch that is falling apart simply because it is Buddy's couch. Here you are thinking I would be telling a funny story about one of my children, and I'm talking about a dog. Those of you with dogs understand I suppose.

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