Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Corn is as High as an Elephant's Eye....

Our only vacation this summer was to KC to visit Grammy and Granpa. Of course, that is just as wonderful as anything to my girls. Aunt Andie and Uncle Tom came too, and all those people rank higher than Mommy for a week. It's kind of nice! We had a great week, but the highlight was a trip to Worlds of Fun on Friday, our last day there. All three girls absolutely loved it, but I had no idea how much Lauren would love the rides. She wanted to ride everything, and course being only two, she couldn't. But if she could, she was on it. And she didn't want to ride with big sisters necessarily. She was more than happy to do it by herself. She loved the "wings"...the Flying Dutchman boats. Had to ride it more than once. Then Grammy took the little ones home so the big kids could keep playing. Caroline rode her first roller coaster, and then her first upside-down roller coaster.

On the way to KC, we saw corn growing everywhere, in almost every field. Emma was fascinated with it. I said maybe we could take a picture of her standing in front of it. She repeatedly said,"yum, I loooove corn on the cob!"

Now while we were there, we saw people on the side of the road selling fresh corn on the cob. Grammy mentioned that she had some, called "Peaches and Cream," so sweet that it tasted like candy. Emma commented that she loves corn on the cob and would like some. Fast forward to later in the day, dinner time, and Grammy says, "Oh I forgot about the corn!" Oh, but Emma wanted it, so Grammy defrosted and cooked it. Serves up Emma's plate with it, all hot and yummy. And guess who says, "I don't want corn!" Had to force the girl to take two bites. Didn't hear another word about how much she loves corn on the cob. But she did still want to take a picture with corn, so here it is.....

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